
Dear Parent/Guardian, 

We (St John Lloyd School) have registered to be part of the Active Schools Challenge! (Organised by Carmarthenshire 5 X 60 Officers).    Our school target is: 90,000 active minutes for the month of February. This figure has been based on the number of pupils in our school. 

This target will hopefully give us the opportunity to win £500 for our school. 

 Attached are useful documents for pupils and parents to utilise and these will also be shared via our school platforms. They include links to our (5 X 60) website where there are resources available, and the link to the pupil survey where they will need to submit their minutes throughout the month. 

Remember to tag us (both the School and 5 X 60) in on our social media accounts for us to follow your journey. 

A big thank you to everybody for supporting this project and we hope you enjoy the challenge! GOOD LUCK! 

Active Challange Parent Welcome Pack

Active Schools Challange 2021

About us
Welcome to the STJL Safeguarding Area

Welcome to the STJL Safeguarding Hub. Please find up to date information and helpful documentation regarding Safeguarding at St. John Lloyd Catholic Comprehensive School.


Wales Safeguarding Procedures

Click the button below to access the Welsh Safeguarding procedures, including options to download the app for you mobile device.


  • Designated Safeguarding Lead: C. Pinnington 

Where can I find Mr Pinnington? The Assistant Headteacher's Office opposite Science 5 

  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mrs M Harries 

Where can I find Mrs Harries? The Pastoral Office

  • Your Form Teacher
  • A Member of the Pastoral Team
  • Your Subject Teachers
  • Any Member of Staff

Safeguarding Links

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