Mr G Sambrook

Geography at GCSE level is an exciting subject. With the demands of modern school curriculum pupils have limited choices and therefore it is vital that they make the right ones. Geography has been a popular option subject at St. John Lloyd for many years. Results at GCSE level have been excellent, with over 80% of pupils achieving A* – C grades.
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Topics studied include:

Human Geography issues
Living in a multi-cultural world
Is population growth sustainable?
Progress, what progress?
Why is the world full of inequality?
Where have all the corner shops gone?
Should we build more motorways?[/column][column size=”1/2″]

Physical Geography issues

Is the current rate of exploitation sustainable?
Landscape formation
What is Desertification?
Why do rivers flood?
Our changing coastline!
Extreme weather events[/column]

The course structure

Despite what many people think, there is more to studying geography than being able to name capitals, continents and oceans. Whereas this general knowledge is essential, modern geography teaches pupils about the world they live and the many global issues we are faced with.

Career Opportunities
Travel and tourism
Marketing and problem solving
Creating GIS systems
I.T. and Design
Town planning
Resource Management

Employers value the skills acquired by Geographers.

Employers are concerned about the lack of key skills but geography will cover them all:

Working with number
A wide range of IT skills
Problem solving
Working with others
Research skills


“Geography is an interesting subject which is relevant to all our lives – it is a study of the world around us, in Wales, Europe and in the world. The emphasis is on nurturing and teaching transferable skills including the essential skills and much more, along with many opportunities to develop thinking skills, problem solving skills and independent working skills. Studying Geography is essential for a mature understanding of current affairs with the intention of nurturing responsible citizens of the future.”

KS3 Years 7, 8 and 9
Year 7
Areas of Study
Term 1: Developing basic Geographical skills through work on the local area.
Term 2: The geography of Wales and Settlements
Term 3: River basins and flooding issues.

Year 8
Areas of study
Term 1: Natural Disasters; A study of earthquakes, volcanoes, international case studies.
Term 2: Energy and Environmental issues.
Term 3: The geography of Antarctica.

Year 9
Areas of Study
Term 1: Weather and Climate and Settlements of the British Isles
Term 2: Ecosystems: How can rainforests be managed sustainably? Globalisation: Study how and why we are linked to different parts of the world.
Term 3: Population, Resources and Development – why is there a development gap between rich and poor countries?


Placing environments, patterns and places, understanding places, environments and processes, research, communication, application of number, literacy, IT, working with others, improving own performance, problem solving.


A variety of homework tasks will be set such as extended writing, research tasks, information posters, learning work, preparing presentations.

How can you support your child in this subject?
Encourage them to use the instructions on the Key Assessment carefully to enable them to see what they have to do to achieve their target level or higher. To develop a geographical interest in the places they visit and local areas of interest such as the Carmarthenshire Coast. All this will serve to develop skills and raise general levels of interest in the subject.

Geography Department KS3 Topics

  Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Autumn Term




Map skills and the local Area: Developing map –reading skills.

Tectonic events

A World of Danger; A study of natural disasters, earthquakes and volcanoes,

Weather and climate – Hurricane events

Spring Term

A River’s Journey ;Features and processes of a river in its 3 stages

Environmental concerns, Antarctica and climate change

Ecosystems and TRF

Summer Term

Settlements and land use models

Tourism industry

Population – migration and development

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