Mrs R Lawrence

As a Catholic school Religious Studies is at the heart of all aspects of the school; academic, pastoral and ethos. Whilst all pupils in the school complete a formal qualification in Religious Studies this achievement is by no means the only aim of the department. Through classroom learning, retreats, away days, charity, prayer and worship we aim to develop every child from their own starting point to a greater understanding of themselves as a unique and wonderful creation of God.

The Religious Education department is a flourishing and forward-looking department, housed in a suite of two specialist teaching rooms. We are also lucky to have a beautiful chapel that is regularly used by both pupils and staff. At present there are three specialist members of the department: Mrs R Lawrence (Head of Department) Mr D Daley and Miss G Fiorillo (Deputy Head). We are also supported by Sr. Anne Reddington and the priests of the Llanelli deanery.

We place the utmost importance upon the spiritual life of our school, and the R.E. Department plays a key role in inspiring and leading this area. We have a thriving and comprehensive liturgical calendar, including voluntary Masses, Advent and Lenten Services, retreats, fund raising events, whole school Masses, year and form assemblies, and morning prayer for staff.

Key Stage 3

All Key Stage three pupils; follow the ‘People of God’ scheme of work. This scheme is taught in line with the rest of the Menevia diocese and with the majority of Catholic schools in England and Wales.

In year 7 pupils will study the following areas;

  • Who is God? This unit will explore what we mean by God and revelation
  • Who is Jesus? This unit will explore the historical facts about Jesus and what Jesus means for Christians today
  • What is the Kingdom of God? This unit will explore what we mean by the Kingdom and how the Church is at the service of the Kingdom
  • What are the signs of Catholic identity? This unit will explore sacramental imagination and how Catholics live out Baptism and the Eucharist
  • What are the signs of identity for Jewish people? This unit will explore Jewish identity and practice in Britain today.
  • What are the joys and challenges of living as people of God? This unit will explore the joys and challenges of living as people of God both in the past and the present.

In year 8 pupils study the following areas:

  • What does it mean to be a covenant people? – This unit will explore the covenant made with the Jewish people through the lives of Abraham and Moses
  • Living the New Commandment – This unit will look at the live and work of individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr. and moving into Advent will look at the role of the prophetic in our preparations for Christmas.
  • Living out reconciliation, are there limits to forgiveness? – This unit will study the sacrament of reconciliation and key teachings of Jesus about forgiveness.
  • Why do we celebrate? – This unit will study the Eucharist and the celebrations of the Easter vigil. We will also look at the idea of sacrifice in the life of individuals such as St Kolbe.
  • A study of Judaism
  • A study of Catholic Social Teaching

In year 9 pupils study the following areas:

  • Science and religion – Is there a conflict?
  • Why is there Suffering? This unit will look at the problem of evil and suffering in the world and how we respond as Catholics to this problem.
  • Is all life of Value? This unit will look at the key teachings on the sanctity of life and the implications of this teaching in the modern world.
  • World religions – Islam
  • What should I do with my life? What are we called to be? This unit will look at the idea of vocation and will make a particular study of the role of Mary in the life of the Catholic Church.
  • An introduction to GCSE

Key Stage 4 (10 and 11)

As a part of the core curriculum, all pupils at St John Lloyd study the WJEC full course GCSE Religious Studies (Catholic Theology and Judaism). Pupils will study Unit 1 option F and unit 3. More information on the course can be found by following the link below.

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