
We are delighted with this year’s results which are some of the best in the history of the school. A fantastic 97% of pupils achieved five or more GCSE passes. 90% of these achieved the highest A*-C grades. We are immensely proud of the achievements of pupils of all abilities and this reflects the inclusive nature of our school. For these pupils, it is a reward for the hard work that has been put in over the last five years and the dedication shown by their teachers. The excellent home-school partnerships that have developed over many years have helped to ensure yet again pupils attending St. John Lloyd have been able to achieve their full potential.


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Welcome to the STJL Safeguarding Area

Welcome to the STJL Safeguarding Hub. Please find up to date information and helpful documentation regarding Safeguarding at St. John Lloyd Catholic Comprehensive School.


Wales Safeguarding Procedures

Click the button below to access the Welsh Safeguarding procedures, including options to download the app for you mobile device.


  • Designated Safeguarding Lead: C. Pinnington 

Where can I find Mr Pinnington? The Assistant Headteacher's Office opposite Science 5 

  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mrs M Harries 

Where can I find Mrs Harries? The Pastoral Office

  • Your Form Teacher
  • A Member of the Pastoral Team
  • Your Subject Teachers
  • Any Member of Staff

Safeguarding Links

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