
We would like to share our latest good news with you. For the second year in succession, St John Lloyd has been placed in the top ‘Green’ category as part of the Welsh Government School Categorisation system. This is a prestigious accolade and is a reflection of the hard work and dedication shown by the pupils and staff. Out of the 212 secondary schools in Wales, only 39 were awarded ‘Green’ status this year.

School Categorisation is just one means of assessing a school’s performance and we know there is still a great deal of hard work to be done in order to ensure we continue to raise standards further.

Continuing to improve attendance in order for us to achieve our current target of 95% remains a key focus and I am grateful for your on-going support in ensuring that this aspiration can become a reality.

In other good news, the construction of our new state of the art Science block is planned to get underway before the end of this year and this will mean our pupils will soon have access to some of the most modern teaching facilities in the country.

We are also in the planning stages of producing a new updated school prospectus in the near future. If parents are aware of any businesses that would be interested in sponsoring the publication, please feel free to contact me directly.

Partnership working is without doubt a key factor in our school’s success and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the pupils, staff and governing body for their contribution in ensuring that all our pupils have the opportunity and support needed in order to achieve successful outcomes.

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Welcome to the STJL Safeguarding Area

Welcome to the STJL Safeguarding Hub. Please find up to date information and helpful documentation regarding Safeguarding at St. John Lloyd Catholic Comprehensive School.


Wales Safeguarding Procedures

Click the button below to access the Welsh Safeguarding procedures, including options to download the app for you mobile device.


  • Designated Safeguarding Lead: C. Pinnington 

Where can I find Mr Pinnington? The Assistant Headteacher's Office opposite Science 5 

  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mrs M Harries 

Where can I find Mrs Harries? The Pastoral Office

  • Your Form Teacher
  • A Member of the Pastoral Team
  • Your Subject Teachers
  • Any Member of Staff

Safeguarding Links

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