Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 pupils follow a carousel system to undertake a variety of design projects delivered by specialist teachers. Projects include work based on Resistant Materials (Woods, Metals and Plastics), Electronics, CAD (Computer Aided Design), Food, Graphics and Textiles. Typical projects include designing and making bird feeders, desk tidies, night lights, a variety of sweet and savoury food products as well as bunting and cushions.

Technology Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 we offer three GCSE courses in – Product Design, Food and Nutrition and GCSE Health and Social Care, and Childcare.

GCSE Design and Technology – Product Design

This course offers a unique opportunity in the curriculum for learners to identify and solve real problems by designing and making products or systems. Through studying GCSE Design and Technology, learners will be prepared to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world; and be aware of, and learn from, wider influences on design and technology, including historical, social/cultural, environmental and economic factors.

The syllabus can be downloaded as a PDF document at the web address below.

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